Thursday 15 August 2024


GURU MYTH at the anniversary of Vajramukti


Once when I was sailing on a ship named Maharishi Dayanand, there was a senior fitter who spoke about  his past births' son.

At tea time he asked if I believed in life after death. I said yes, more than you do; also, I believe in tramp souls,popularly known as ghosts. Tramp souls are those that look for bodies to make their vehicle. These souls are too attached to the material world, so they cannot go to higher planes. There are souls of a higher level who can come down from their planes and help the beings that they are attached to due to some karmic reasons; I believe his son was one among them.

He said,do your people from the hills do puja? I said, yes, that usually happens in the hills. He said,but, they are doing it wrongly. He said, that his son says, that they have been doing the puja wrongly from the time your parents had moved to Mumbai.

I phoned Mumbai and confirmed that yes, they had phoned about that puja.This reminded me of a Kashmiri girl who use to fall flat face-down while standing straight, as if she was empowered with some soul, or controlled by some tramp souls.I had a strong feeling that this was due to karmic entanglements of a past birth. This Kashmiri girl was healed later by a man who was curing people from such problems, and this girl’s schooling had improved, but the man who cured her became sick and eventually died with his neck turning to one side. I believed that, that man had to take the karmas of the kashmiri girl.

Once at tea time on a ship, this senior fitter who talked with his past birth’s son, said, "Sir believe it or not, your mother is feeding you and your father with the tantric things which your sisters are getting". I was annoyed that he had included my mother. But, he said,"Your sisters are giving these things to your mother by telling her it’s for the betterment of both of you". I was reluctant to believe this because I was following the path of yoga. And though I knew that these things exist, I had strong faith on right path, and action, but I failed to understand how the food I had taken would have certain chemical effects. At the time I was facing many health issues which I could fight with the help of yoga. But in spite of all this, I was not against believing this was a karmic conflict.I wanted to silently withdraw within these problems while I went on in my search for absolute truth.

This is from my book who am i to present the strange evil happened in my family by tantrik things done by my sisters 

and see how this went to America the cabals' and illumanati the freemasons doing the same things the evil rituals to be young remain for ever by drinking blood of childrens


When I was in school I would dream that whole world had become water and I had the power to fly and I searched for my close friends. In 1991 when my friendship grew with Dr Ram Bhosle, I got to know about the philosophy of Siddhas, about which,my father and I had also discussed. The siddhas believed that when this world changes from kali to kalkiYuga, the poisonous effects of the nuclear reactions and all kinds of man made and unnatural destructive elements will spread throughout the world. These artificial things which have changed the natural state of the earth,will all combined together and react with the rays of the sun and destroy the entire world in a second. These changes will not affect those who take good breath. The world will come back to its old kalki state in which there will be water everywhere. All the siddhas will come and those men who take good breath as a result of their good karmas in their previous births will begin to fly in the air by the grace of the Goddess Shakti.

Is it that time going on now. I am writing this book because many aware beings are saying so. Many spiritual masters said kaliyuga is of lakhs of years but now after this plandemic many say now is the time. I will take one master Yukteshwar giri's view from my Autobiography. Yukteshwar Giri, the guru of Paramhansa Yogananda, said that when the sun advances in its course of revolution towards the place nearest to the grand center called Vishnunabhi which is the seat of creative power, Brahma, the universal magnetism and Dharma the mental virtue, begin to develop and this growth is completed in a period of 12000 years. So, from CE (Common Era), 499 onwards, the sun began its advance towards the grand center, and the intellect of man is gradually developing.

During the first 1100 years of the ascending Kaliyuga, which is CE 1599,the human intellect was so dense that it could not comprehend electricity, or sukshmabhuta,the creation of subtle elements. Around CE1600,William Gilbert discovered magnetic forces and observed the presence of electricity in all material substances. Newton discovered the laws of gravitation. Stephen Gray discovered the action of electricity on the human body.Thereafter, development went on towards understanding of the electricity and its attributes.

Some say now it's the end and satiyuga will come. As spiritual beings, we were seduced and manipulated into entering these physical and dense vessels that we are calling “human” bodies a very long time ago, and by doing so, we were trapped in this limited frequency band we call the Third Dimension

However, the aliens or higher forces controlling our avatar as well, through the chakra system and our energetic/electromagnetic field, which is tied to the Grid—the Grid being, for the most part, built by our own human mass consciousness, existing within the technology-controlled, frequency band we call 3-D.

 Some say the AIF alien invasive forces tell us in the astral, if asked, that we need to have amnesia because time on Earth is linear (which is a construct), and it would be too overwhelming to remember everything. This is nonsense. If we remembered, we could at least have the option to do something about our problems, but those who control this system don’t want us to be too clever. They keep us here so we can be their slaves and their workforce, not their equals or their superiors. The way it is setup, we don’t even know the source of our problems because they often originated in other lifetimes. On the other hand, this 3-D experience, instigated by and his cohorts in the AIF, is a trap to begin with so previous discussion is basically obsolete. We need a way to break out of the prison, and fortunately there is a way!

It's very good some aware beings had started enquiring why believe on karma theory and yes it's been planned by higher beings to keep us in lower frequency of emotions so we never go beyond to ask them. As radhasoami guru said you don't have any free will yes he is right and it proves that we are controlled by them whom we think as gods .But in this plandemic many became aware of being in simulation. Praveen bhatia said earth is moving to 5d dimension once that happens there will be abundance some say satyuga is going to come. Yes awareness is increased of some people who are in search like J krishnamurti

The AIF-controlled Artificial Intelligence, with its goal—the Singularity—is the Alien Invasion that people have predicted and in that same breath, the gods will return—shortly before the Singularity or shortly after—and there is nothing “fake” about this invasion. The Death Trap What usually happens when we die is that Spirit Guides, who are more often than not AIF in disguise, escort us to where in the astral we are supposed to go. Where we end up depends on our beliefs—if we believe in Jesus and Heaven, we are most likely to be transported into such a frequency band (dimension) in the astral plane. We will mingle with likeminded, and there might even be a God there, and Jesus might sit by his side—it’s all virtual realities within virtual realities, and we help creating these realities with our beliefs, which form the energy we transmit and receive. Therefore, someone who believes in Krishna will likely end up in a dimension within the hologram containing a Hindu belief system. Some like Radhasoami on sachkhand or some like kabir on anami. As per Buddha these are all pictures of mind all matter of conventional world. The afterlife often begins with a “tunnel of light,” through which the discarnate soul/mind/light-body travels to her destination. At the end of the tunnel, an appropriate being greets the soul. This being could be Jesus or Krishna, or simply a loved one, who has passed away earlier. These beings/persons are often just projections, created by the AIF to pull the soul into a certain “container” or “astral dimension.” The AIF knows whom to project because they have the technology to scan the soul—before or at the death moment—for memories and experiences. These memories and experiences are then used to give the soul a “life review,” where she will re-experience the most recent lifetime in a matter of seconds or minutes, measured in Earth time.  The Death Trap and How to Avoid It  life experience and compare the good and not so good things she did during her previous lifetime. Subsequently, she discusses with her Spirit Guide what she needs to improve, and the soul will then feel a certain amount of guilt for the “bad things” she did to herself or others, or what she neglected to do for other people while she was incarnated. The Spirit Guide then suggests that the soul returns to Earth to remedy these “flaws.” In order to create balance, the Spirit Guide will tell the soul that in the next incarnation it is a good idea to experience the “other side of the coin,” i.e. if the soul was abusive to others in the previous life, it’s a good idea to become the abused in the next lifetime to experience the matter from the other person’s perspective. This is where the idea of karma comes into play. It is a term and a “phenomenon” invented by the AIF with the purpose of having the soul reincarnate willingly under a strict set of rules. It should also be mentioned that in some instances, a discarnate soul is recycled immediately after the recent body has expired. This soul goes through a tunnel as well, but in these cases, the tunnel just leads back to Earth again, and the soul is shot into a new body—she has no choice in the matter.

the soul will eventually be brought into a “control room” in the astral, and with assistance from advanced technology, the soul will be beamed back to the Earth plane and will hover around the pregnant woman who is to become his or her mother, and at a point during the pregnancy, the soul enters the body, upon which a new lifetime begins. This describes the Death Trap in a nutshell. This soul recycling process has been practiced here for millennia, and each time we enter a new body, we do this with artificially induced amnesia caused by the AIF. Thus, we more or less have to relearn what we learned in previous lives. And even though we are not allowed to remember our past lives, traumas and experiences from other lifetimes and other lines of time affect us in the current incarnation because they are embedded in our soul. As a result, we often don’t understand why we act and react the way we do and why we are afraid of certain things and not of others. This makes life on Earth extremely difficult, and the so-called learning lessons are often filled with trauma, guilt, anger, sadness, and other unwanted experiences. This is not how it is supposed to be. It must also be mentioned that our wide range of emotions are also a part of the human experiment in 3-D, and thus part of the Physical Universe experience and our human consciousness.

Some say emotion was created by the AIF in order to better control us. They use these emotions against us. When we really think about it, what have these strong emotions done to humanity? It has more often than not led to pain and suffering and even more separation. It has led to conflict, jealously, power struggles, and much, much more. Yes, we also have the ability to love another person (i.e. another part of ourselves), and we can have physical sex. These are the pleasurable parts of having strong emotions, but the love we feel for each other is still to a large degree selfish love. Radhasoami philosophy says love is given by the master of sabd word that's unconditional love some believe it in the void where we live before getting human birth we have unconditional love. It’s unconditional in a sense, but it doesn’t mean that beings can attack each other and let “unconditional love” restrain them from acting upon the assault. Things are handled accordingly, but as a rule, as peacefully as possible (sometimes this is not the option of choice, and a conflict—or even a war—could emerge). The Unconditional Love, as we see it, is on the Goddess and the Spirit levels, where the Divine Feminine has Unconditional Love for all Her creations. After all, She “said,” “Go out and Create whatever you want, but you are responsible for what you create.” The AIF tell us in the astral, if asked, that we need to have amnesia because time on Earth is linear (which is a construct), and it would be too overwhelming to remember everything. This is nonsense. If we remembered, we could at least have the option to do something about our problems, but those who control this system don’t want us to be too clever. They keep us here so we can be their slaves and their workforce, not their equals or their superiors.

The way it is setup, we don’t even know the source of our problems because they often originated in other lifetimes. On the other hand, this 3-D experience, instigated by and his cohorts in the AIF, is a trap to begin with

When Lucifer/ did this, it had not been done in such a manner before, apparently. He created bodies of much lower frequencies and implanted a virtual reality into them. Then he seduced spirits to go in there and experience it (similar to how they seduce us to go “into" the smartphone world today--so BEWARE!!!). Once in that virtual reality, he closed the trap and made us believe that our physical bodies are very important and that they are separate from the spirit/soul/mind.This is similar to kabirs story from his book anuraagsagar now on this plandemic  someone argued with me on fb that kabir was created by Rothschild I didn't agree to him but he has his point to present ultimately it's up to all individual to experience meditation


The experiences from one lifetime passes over to the next, although the soul does not remember because of amnesia implants placed in the physical body and in the astral body by the AIF.

Dr. Michael Newton, who wrote a series of books on the subject, after having put more than 7,000 subjects into regression therapy, where the subjects were telling similar stories of what happens between lives.

Authors like Davide Icke also points out similarly he also accepts about Gods and anunaki and alien invasive forces. I used to understand that Radhasoami s philosophy is at the highest saying that what six chakras yogis work they are third reflection of the reality but after this plandemic the present master babba gurinder singh took the jab saying it will save lives whereas now its proved it was biochemic weapon under agenda 2030 as explained by David Icke. It was quiet shocking that it means all spiritual orgs are same to control these infinite beings .So now i realised that what Buddha was saying was right and even J Krishnamurti also was taking peoples towards that direction where also i made my art Vajramukti to decondition. But still we should wait and see and be open  to all hearing from all let's see if radhasoami master comes up with truth and admits the lie he said. Radhasoami masters say they will come to take the souls, who were initiated  to take them to sachkhand. They say if you meditate they will inform you six months prior to ones death, this is after death promise no one can say or know its truthfullness one has to wait go on practicing yet be aware and vigil so you are not victim of evil forces pray our species is saved .

Tuesday 15 August 2023

On twenty-Eight anniversary of Vajramuktiyoga

  On twenty-Eight anniversary of Vajramuktiyoga



After initiation I had a unique vision on 2003 that I was walking on the hills at Himalayas many people were coming with their mouths covered with the cloth I was thinking why they were covering their mouths One of them told me as if a telepathy to wear goggles I thought may be master has given me and instruction to take care of my eyes so from that time I used to wear goggle whenever out at sun. That time I couldn't understand that but now I am seeing masks at people faces. Although i know its plandemic not real done by radiation,controlled beam warfare technology, beam can be concentrated on one or many.

Vajramukti for healing humans in this plandemic and saving our civilizations

That is Vajramukti Paper back and e book at Amazon

Humaneness merges into absolute and that's Love .

 I believe that the love has to be given by such being who is beyond mind and matter so it's a gift love .I told my father about this love when he said about his mother's love which I have given in my book Who Am I? Who am I? Paper back

Who am I? Kindle and paperback links

the philosophical talks with my earthly father .

Real yoga paperback book link

Real yoga Kindle book

Tao of Electricity

Why fights wars happen Kindle book

Why fights paperback book

Eyal and the Unusual Day Paperback – Large Print

This book is a collaborative writing adventure. Eight authors from around the world have each added to the story line in their own twisting of the tale. None knew where the story would lead or how it would end. The joint undertaking was much like the children's game 'Broken Telephone'. The wonderful twists and turns weave the tale into a thrilling and surprising adventure of a young boy named Eyal.All of the proceeds, (royalties) from the sale of this book are to be donated to the children's ward of the Baruch Padeh Hospital in Israel.

Tuesday 16 August 2022

Feeling the real Humanness on twenty-seventh anniversary of Vajramuktiyoga

Feeling the real Humanness on twenty-

seventh anniversary of Vajramuktiyoga

Dr Ariyana Love has done great work to save humanity every real author should read her blog Dr Ariyana Love Ambassador will take you to the blog I have put the link but sometimes it didn't show thanks 


Vajramukti for healing humans in this plandemic and saving our civilizations
That is Vajramukti Paper back and e book at Amazon
Humaneness merges into absolute and that's Love .
 I believe that the love has to be given by such being who is beyond mind and matter so it's a gift love .I told my father about this love when he said about his mother's love which I have given in my book Who Am I? Who am I? Paper back
Who am I? Kindle and paperback links
the philosophical talks with my earthly father .
Real yoga paperback book link
Real yoga Kindle book
Tao of Electricity
Why fights wars happen Kindle book
Why fights paperback book

Monday 16 August 2021




At this bad times for human race on this occasion I present Lord Mirdad's words for comforting humanity and thanks to active beings like Dr Leo Rebellow Dr BRC and  all others  for telling truth to people on this plandemics as they exposed it... hope Mirdad or Lord Jesus comes and help humanity

That is Vajramukti Paper back and e book at Amazon

Who am I? Kindle and paperback links

Real yoga paperback book link                                    

Real yoga Kindle book

Tao of Electricity

Why fights wars happen Kindle book

Why fights paperback book




Naronda: Sim-Sim, the oldest cow in the stables of the Ark, had been ailing for five days and would not touch any feed or water, when Shamadam sent for a butcher saying that it was more prudent to slaughter the cow and profit by the sale of her meat and hid than let her die and be a total loss. When the Master heard of it he became exceeding thoughtful and straightway hurried to the stable and into Sim-Sim’s stall. The Seven followed in his wake. Sim-Sim stood sad and almost motionless, her head hanging low, her eyes half-shut and her hair bristling and devoid of sheen. Now and then would she barely move an ear to chase away an impertinent fly. Here great milk-bag hung limp and empty between her thighs; for Sim-Sim towards the end of her long and fruitful life was denied the sweat heartaches of motherhood. Her hipbones jutted out, grim and forlorn, like two tombstones. Here ribs and vertebra could easily be counted. Her long and slender tail, with a heavy tuft of hair at the end, fell straight and stiff. The Master approached the ailing animal and began to stroke here between the horns and eyes and under the chin. Occasionally he would pass his hand over her back and belly, speaking to her all the while as he would speak to a human being: MIRDAD: Where is your cud, my generous Sim-Sim? So much has Sim-Sim given that she forgot to leave herself even a small cud to chew. And much as Sim-Sim yet to give, her snow white milk is till this day running crimson in our veins. Her sturdy calves are trailing heavy ploughs in our fields and helping us to feed many a hungry mouth. Here graceful heifers fill our pastures with their young. Even her refuse graces our board in succulent greens from the garden and luscious fruits from the orchard. Our ravines still echo and re-echo good Sim-Sim’s lungful bellowing. Our springs still mirror here benign and lovely face. Our soil still cherishes and guards with jealously the ineffaceable prints of her hoofs. Too glad are our grasses to feed Sim-Sim . Too pleased is our sun to caress her. Too happy are our breezes to glide over her soft and glossy fur. Too thankful is Mirdad to see her through the desert of Old age and be her guide to other pastures in the land of other suns and breezes. Much has Sim-Sim given, and much has she taken; but more has Sim-Sim yet to give and to take. Micaster: Can Sim-Sim understand your words that you should speak to her as if she had a human understanding?  MIRDAD: It is not the word that counts, good Micaster. It is what vibrates in the word. And to that even a beast is susceptible. Besides, I see a woman looking at me out of meek SimSim’s eye. Micaster: What is the good of speaking so to aged and failing Sim-Sim? Hope you thereby to stay the ravages of age and lengthen Sim-Sim’s days? MIRDAD: A dreadful burden is Old Age to man as well as to beast. And men have made it doubly so by their neglectful heartlessness. Upon a newborn babe they lavish their utmost care and affection. But to an age-burdened man they reserve their indifference more than their care, and their disgust more than their sympathy. Just as impatient as they are to see a sucking to grow into manhood, just so impatient are they to see an old man swallowed by the grave. The very young and the very old are equally helpless. But the helplessness of the young conscripts the loving, sacrificial help of all. While the helplessness of the old is able to command but the grudging help of few. Verily, the old are more deserving of sympathy than the young. When the word must knock long and loud to gain admittance to an ear once sensitive and alert to the faintest whisper, When the once limpid eye becomes a dancing floor for the weirdest blotches and shadows. When the once winged foot becomes a lump of lead, and the hand that moulded life becomes a broken mould, When the knee is out of joint , and the head is a puppet on the neck, When the mill-stones are ground out, and the mill itself is a dreary cave, When to rise is to sweat with the fear of falling down, and to sit is to sit with the painful doubt of never rising again, When to eat and drink is to dread the aftermath of eating and drinking, and not to eat and drink is to be stalked by hateful Death, Aye, when Old Age is upon a man, then is the time, my companions, to lend him ears and eyes, and give him hands and feet, and brace his failing strength with love so as to make him feel that he is no whit less dear to Life in his waning years then he was in his waxing babyhood and youth. Four-score years may not be more than a wink in eternity. But a man who has sown himself for four-score years is much more than a wink. He is the foodstuff for all who harvest his life. And which life is not harvested by all? Are you not harvesting even this very moment the life of every man and woman that ever walked this Earth? What is your speech but the harvest of their speech? What are your thoughts but the gleanings of their thoughts? Your very clothes and dwellings, your food, your implements, your laws, your traditions and conventions, are they not the clothes, the dwellings,  the food, the implements, the laws, the traditions and conventions of those who had been and gone before? Not one thing do you harvest at one time, but all things and at all times. You are the sowers, the harvest, the reapers, the field and the threshing floor. If your harvest be poor, look to the seed you have sown in others and the seed you allowed them to sow in you. Look also to the reaper and his sickle, and to the field and the threshing floor. An old man whose life you have harvested and put away in granaries is surely worthy of your utmost care. Should you embitter with indifference his years which are yet rich with things to be harvested , that which you have gathered of him and put away, and that which are yet to gather would certainly be bitter in your mouth. So it is with the failing beast. It is not right to profit by the crop, and then to curse the sower and the field. Be kind to men of every race and clime, my companions. They are the food for your God-ward journey. But be especially kind to men in their old age lest through unkindness your food be spoiled and you never reach your journey’s end. Be kind to animals of every sort and age. They are your dumb but very faithful helpers in the long and arduous preparations for the journey. But be especially kind to animals in their old age, lest through the hardness of your heart their faithfulness be turned into faithlessness, and their help become an hindrance. It is rank ingratitude to thrive on Sim-Sim’s milk, and when she has no more to give, to lay the butcher’s knife to her throat. Naronda: Hardly had the Master finished saying that when Shamadam with the butcher walked in. the butcher went straight to Sim-Sim. No sooner did he see here than we heard him shout in joyful mockery, ‘How say you this cow is ill and dying? She is healthier than I , excepting that she is starved – the poor animal – and I am not. Give her to eat.’ And great was our amazement, indeed, when we looked at Sim-Sim and saw her chewing the cud. Even Shamadam’s heart softened and he ordered the best of cow-delicacies brought to Sim-Sim. And Sim-Sim ate with a relish.

ON CREDITORS AND DEBTORS. WHAT IS MONEY? RUSTODION ACQUITTED OF HIS DEBT TO THE ARK Naronda: One day as the seven and the Master were returning from the Aerie to the Ark they saw Shamadam at the gate waving a piece of paper at a man prostrated at his feet, and heard him saying in an angry voice: ‘Your delinquency exhausts my patience. I can be lenient no longer. Pay now, or rot in prison.’ The man we recognized as Rustodion, one of the many tenants of the Ark who was indebted to the Ark for a certain sum of money. He was bent as much with rags as with years; and he pleaded with the Senior for a time to pay the interest, saying that he had recently lost his only son and his only cow in the same week, and that his old wife, as a consequence , was struck with palsy. But Shamadam’s heart would not soften. The Master walked towards Rustodion and, taking him gently by the arm, he said, MIRDAD: Arise, my Rustodion. You , too , are an image of God, and God’s image must not be made to bow before any shadow. ( Then turning to Shamadam ) Show me the bill of indebtness. Naronda: Shamadam , so furious but a moment before, became to the amazement of all more docile than a lamb, and meekly handed to the Master the paper in his hand, which paper the Master took and scrutinized for long with Shamadam bluntly looking on and saying nothing, as if in a spell. MIRDAD: No moneylender was the founder of the Ark. Did he bequeath you money to lend out with usury? Did he bequeath you chattels to trade in, or lands to rent and hoard the fat thereof? Did he bequeath you your brother’s sweat and blood and then bequeath you prisons for the ones whose sweat you have drained to the end, and whose blood you have sucked to a drop? An Ark, and an altar, and a light did he bequeath you – nothing more. An Ark which is his living body. An altar which is his dauntless heart. A light, which is his burning faith. And these he commanded you to keep intact and pure amid a world dancing to pipes of Death and wallowing in quagmires of iniquity, because of faithlessness. And that the cares of the body may not distract your spirit, you were allowed to live upon the charity of the faithful. And never since the Ark was launched was there a dearth of charity. But, lo! This charity have you now turned into a curse, both for yourselves and for the charitable. For with their gifts you subjugate the givers. You scourge them with the very thread they spin for you. You strip them naked with the very cloth they weave for you. You starve them with the very bread they bake for you. You build them prisons with the very stones  they cut and dress for you. You fashion yokes and coffins for them out of the very wood they provide you for your warmth. Their very sweat and blood you loan them back with usury. For that were money but the sweat and blood of men coined by the crafty into mites and shekels wherewith to shackle men? And what were riches but the sweat and blood of men garnered by those who sweat and bleed the least to grind therewith the backs of those who sweat and bleed the most? Woe and woe again onto them who burn away their minds and hearts and slay their nights and days in storing riches! For they know not what they store. The sweat of harlots, murderers and thieves; the sweat of the consumptive, the leaper and the palsied; the sweat of the blind, and the halt, and the maimed with that of the ploughman and his ox, and of the shepherd and his sheep, and of the reaper and the gleaner – all these and many more do the storers of riches store. The blood of the orphan and the rogue; of the despot and the martyr; of the wicked and the just; of the robber and the robbed; the blood of executioners and those they execute; the blood of leeches and cheats and those they suck and cheat – all these and many more do the storers of riches store. Aye, woe and woe again to those whose riches and shoes stock in trade is the sweat and blood of man! For sweat and blood will in the end exact their price. And terrible shall be the price, and fearful the exacting. To lend, and lend with interest! That is indeed ingratitude too brazen to condone. For what have you to lend? Is not your very life a gift? Were God to charge you interest for the least of His gifts unto you, wherewith would you pay? Is not this world a common treasury wherein each man, each thing, deposit all they have for the maintenance of all? Does the lark lend you its song, and the spring its sparkling water? Does the oak loan its shade, and the palm its honeyed dates? Does the sheep give you his wool, and the cow here milk for interest? Do the clouds sell you their rain, and the Sun his warmth and light? What would be your life without these things and myriad other things? And who of you can tell which man, which thing, have deposited the most, and which, the least in the treasury of the world? Can you, Shamadam , calculate Rustidion’s contributions to the treasury of the Ark ? yet would you lend him back his very contributions – perhaps but a trifling part thereof – and charge him interest to boot. Yet would you send him to prison and leave him there to rot?  What interest do you demand of Rustidion? Can you not see how profitable your loan has been to him? what better payment do you wish than a dead son, a dead cow and a palsied wife? What greater interest can you exact than these so mouldy rags upon so bent a back? Ah, rub your eyes, Shamadam. Be awake before you, too, are asked to pay your debts with interest, and failing that ,be dragged into prison and there be left to rot. The same I say to all of you, companions. Rub your eyes, and be awake. Give when you can, and all you can. But never lend, lest all you have, even your life, become a loan and the loan fall due at once, and you be found insolvent and cast into prison. Naronda: The Master then looked again at the paper in his hand and deliberately tore it to shreds, which shreds he scattered to the wind. Then turning to Himbal, who was the keeper of the treasury, he said to him. MIRDAD: Give Rustidion wherewith to buy to cows and care for his wife and himself to the end of their days. And you, Rustidion, go in peace . you are acquitted of your debt. Take care that you never become a creditor. For the debt of him who lends is greater and heavier by far than the debt of him who borrows.

MIRDAD UNVEILS HIMSELF AND SPEAKS ON VEILS AND SEALS Naronda: Upon that eve the Eight were gathered round the supper board with Mirdad standing to one side and silently awaiting orders. One of the ancient rules for companions was to avoid, so much as possible, the use of the word I in their speech. Companion Shamadam was boasting of his achievements as Senior. He cited many figures showing how much he had added to the wealth and prestige of the Ark. In doing that he made excessive use of the forbidden word. Companion Micayon gently reprimanded him. Whereupon a heated discussion arose as to the purpose of the rule and who had laid it down, whether father Noah or the first Companion, meaning Sam. The heat led to recriminations, and recriminations to a general confusion where much was said and nothing understood. Wishing to change confusion into mirth, Shamadam turned to Mirdad and said in evident derision: ‘Behold , a greater than the patriarch is here. Mirdad, show us the way out of this maze of words.’ All eyes were turned upon Mirdad. And great were our astonishment and joy when , for the first time in seven years, he opened his mouth and spoke unto us saying. MIRDAD: Companions of the Ark! Shamadam’s wish, though uttered in derision, unwittingly foretells Mirdad’s solemn decision. For since the day he came into the Ark Mirdad fore chose this very time and place – this very circumstance – in which to break his seals, and cast away his veils, and stand revealed before you and world. With seven seals has Mirdad sealed his lips. With seven veils has Mirdad veiled his face, that he may teach you and the world, when you are ripe for teaching , how to unseal your lips and to unveil your eyes, and thus reveal yourselves to yourselves in fullness of the glory which is yours. Your eyes are veiled wit far too many veils. Each thing you look upon is but a veil. Your lips are sealed with far too many seals. Each word you utter forth is but a seal. For things, whatever be their form and kind, are only veils and swaddling-bands and veils? And words – are they not things sealed up in letters and in syllables? How can your lip, which itself a seal, give utterance to aught but seals? The eye can veil, but cannot pierce the veils. The lip can seal, but cannot break the seals. Demand no more of either one of them. That is their portion of the body’s labours. And they perform it well. By drawing veils, and by setting seals they call aloud to you to come and seek what is behind the veils , and pry out what is beneath the seals.  To break the seals you need a lip other than the familiar piece of flesh below your nose. First see the eye itself alright, if you would see the other things alright. Not with the eye, but through it must you look that you may see all things beyond it. Speak first the lip and tongue alright if you would speak the other words alright. Not with the lip and tongue, but through them must you speak that you may speak all words beyond them. Did you but see and speak aright, you should see nothing but yourselves and utter nothing but yourselves. For in all things and beyond all things , as in all words and beyond all words, are you – the seer and the speaker. If, then, your world be such a baffling riddle, it is because you are that baffling riddle. And if your speech be such a woeful maze, it is because you are that woeful maze. Let things alone and labour not to change them. For they seem what they seem only because you seem what you see. They neither see nor speak except you lend them sight and speech. If they be harsh of speech, look only to your tongue. If they be ugly of appearance, search first and last your eye. Ask not of things to shed their veils. Unveil yourselves, and things will be unveiled. Nor ask of things to break their seals. Unseal your selves, and all will be unsealed. The key to self-unveiling and self-unsealing is a word, which you forever hold between your lips. Of words it is the slightest and the greatest. Mirdad has called it THE CREATIVE WORD. Naronda: The master paused; and silence deep, but vibrant with suspense, fell upon all. At last Micyon spoke in passionate impatience. Micayon: Our ears are hungry for THE WORD. Our hearts are yearning for the key. Say on, we pray, Mirdad, say on.

Saturday 15 August 2020

Feeling the real Humanness on twenty-fifth anniversary of Vajramuktiyoga


Feeling the real Humanness on twenty-fifth anniversary of Vajramuktiyoga

Vajramukti for international film festival

That is Vajramukti Paper back and e book at Amazon

Humaneness merges into absolute and that's Love .Read this by Rabindranath Tagore Temple of Gold

Temple of Gold
By Rabindranath Tagore

From “Narratives”

“SIRE,” announced the servant to the King, “the saint Narottam never deigns to step into your royal temple. He is singing God’s praise under the trees by the open road. The temple is empty of all worshippers. They flock round him like bees round the fragrant white lotus, leaving the golden jar of honey unheeded.”
The King, vexed at heart, went to the spot where Narottam sat on the grass. He asked him, “Father, why leave my temple of the golden dome, and sit on the dust outside to preach God’s love?”
“Because God is not there in your temple,” said Narottam.
The King frowned and said, “Do you know twenty millions of gold have been spent on that marvel of art, and the temple was duly consecrated to God with costly rites?”
“Yes, I know,” answered Narottam. “It was the dread year when thousands of your people lost their homes in fire and stood at your door for help in vain. And God said, ‘The poor creature who can give no shelter to his brothers would aspire to build my house!’ Thus he took his place with the shelterless under the trees by the road. And that golden bubble is empty of all but hot vapor of pride.” 
The King cried in anger, “Leave my land!”
Calmly said the saint, “Yes, banish me where you have banished my God.”


Generally Love is divided in two need love and gift love . Philosophically need love is not love at all because it's based on the need and when the need finishes or what one needs changes its form in space and time the Love subtly doesn't remain it becomes an attachment. So Gift love is the real Love but it is to be given by a higher being who has traversed higher planes gone beyond the state of mind and matter but when we pray for an understanding and by his grace it dawns unto us then our I ness changes and it takes us slowly towards Gift Love.  I believe that the love has to be given by such being who is beyond mind and matter so it's a gift love .I told my father about this love when he said about his mother's love which I have given in my book Who Am I? Who am I? Paper back

Who am I? Kindle and paperback links

the philosophical talks with my earthly father .I liked the way Mirdad expresses about love I will give it here so anyone can feel it although Love is beyond words

MIRDAD: Love is the Law of god. You live that you may learn to love. You love that you may learn to live. No other lesson is required of Man. And what is it to love but for the lover to absorb forever the beloved so that the twain be one? And whom, or what, is one to love? Is one to choose a certain leaf upon the Tree of Life and pour upon it all one’s heart? What of the branch that bears the leaf? What of the stem that holds the branch? What of the bark that shields the stem? What of the roots that feed the bark, the stem, the branches and the leaves? What of the soil embosoming the roots? What of the sun, and sea, and air that fertilize the soil? You say,’ But there be leaves and leaves upon a single tree. Some are healthy, some are sick; some are beautiful, some, ugly; some are giant, some are dwarfs. How can we help but pick and choose?’ I say to you, Out of the paleness of the sick proceeds the freshness of the healthy. I further say to you that ugliness is Beauty’s palette, paint and brush; and that the dwarf would not have been a dwarf had he not given of his stature to the giant. You are the Tree of Life. Beware of fractioning yourselves. Set not a fruit against a fruit, a leaf against a leaf, a bough against a bough; nor set the stem against the roots; nor set the tree against the mother-soil. That is precisely what you do when you love one part more than the rest, or to the exclusion of the rest. You are the Tree of Life. Your roots are everywhere. Your boughs and leaves are everywhere. Your fruits are in every mouth. Whatever be the fruits upon that tree; whatever be its boughs and leaves; whatever be its roots, they are your fruits; they are your leaves and boughs; they are your roots; if you would have the tree bear sweet and fragrant fruit, if you would have it ever strong and green, see to the sap wherewith you feed the roots. Love is the sap of Life. While hatred is the pus of Death. But Love, like blood, must circulate unhindered in the veins. Repress the blood, and it becomes a menace and a plague. And what is Hate but Love repressed, or Love withheld, therefore becoming such a deadly poison both to the feeder and the fed; both to the hater and to that he hates? A yellow leaf upon your tree of life is but a Love weaned leaf. Blame not the yellow leaf. A withered bough is but a Love-starved bough. Blame not the withered bough.  A putrid fruit is but a Hatred-suckled fruit. Blame not the putrid fruit. But rather blame your blind and stingy heart that would dole out the sap of life to few and would deny it to many, thereby denying it to itself. No love is possible except the love of self. No self is real save the all-embracing Self. Therefore is God all Love, because he loves Himself. So long as you are pained by Love, you have not found your real self, nor have you found the golden key of Love. Because you love an ephemeral self, you love is ephemeral. The love of man for woman is not love. It is thereof a very distant token. The love of parent for the child is but the threshold to Love’s holy temple. Till every man be every woman’s lover , and the reverse; till every child be every parent’s child, and the reverse, let men and women brag of flesh and bone clinging to flesh and bone, but never speak the sacred name of Love. For that is blasphemy. You have no friends so long you can count a single man as foe. The heart that harbors enmity how can it be a safe abode for friendship? You do not know the joy of Love so long as there is hatred in your hearts. Were you to feed all things the sap of Life except a certain tiny worm, that certain tiny worm alone would embitter your life. For in loving anything, or anyone, you love in truth but yourselves. Likewise, in hating anything, or anyone, you hate in truth but yourselves. For that which you hate is bound up inseparably with that which you love, like the face and the reverse of the same coin. If you would be honest with yourselves, then must you love what you hate and what hates you before you love what you love and what loves you. Love is not a virtue. Love is a necessity; more so than bread and water; more so than light and air. Let no one pride himself on loving. But rather breathe in love and breathe it out just as unconsciously and freely as your breathe in the air and breathe it out. For Love needs no one to exalt it. Love will exalt the heart that it finds worth of itself. Love neither lends nor borrows; Love neither buys nor sells; but when it gives, it gives it s all; and when it takes, it takes its all. It's very taking is a giving. It's very giving is a taking. Therefore is it the same to-day, to-morrow and forevermore. Just as a mighty river emptying itself in the sea is e’er replenished by the sea, so must you empty yourselves in Love that you may be ever filled with Love. The pool that would withhold the sea-gift from the sea becomes a stagnant pool. There is nor ‘more’ nor ‘less’ in Love . The moment you attempt to grade and measure Love it slips away leaving behind it bitter memories. Nor is there ‘now’ and ‘then’ , nor ‘here’ and ‘there’ in Love . All seasons are Love seasons. All spots are fit abodes for Love. Love knows no boundaries or bars. A love whose course is checked by any obstacle whatever is not yet worthy of the name of Love. I often hear you say that Love is blind, meaning that it can see no fault in the beloved. That kind of blindness is the height of seeing. Would you were always so blind as to behold no fault in anything. Nay, clear and penetrating is the eye of Love. Therefore, it sees no fault. When Love has purged your sight, then would you see nothing at all unworthy of your Love? Only a loveshorn, faulty eye is ever busy finding faults. Whatever fault it finds are only its own faults. Love integrates. Hatred disintegrates. This huge and ponderous mass of earth and rock which you call Altar Peak would quickly fly asunder were it not held together by the hand of Love. Even your bodies, perishable as they seem, could certainly resist disintegration did you but love each cell of them with equal zeal. Love is peace a throb with melodies of Life. Hatred is war agog with fiendish blasts of Death. Which would you: Love and be at everlasting peace? Or hate and be at everlasting war? The whole earth is alive in you. The heavens and their hosts are alive in you. So love the Earth and all her suckling if you would love yourselves. And love the Heavens and all their tenants if you would love yourselves. Why do you hate Naronda , Abimar ? Naronda: All were taken aback by so sudden a shift in the Master’s voice and course of thoughts; while Abimar and I were dumb-struck by so pointed a question about an estrangement between us which we carefully hid from all and had reasons to believe it was not detached by any. All looked upon the two of us in utter wonder and waited on the lips of Abimar. Abimar: (eying me in reproach) Did you, Naronda , tell the Master? Naronda: When Abimar has said ‘The Master’ , my heart melted in joy within me. For it was round that word that we had disagreed long before Mirdad revealed himself; I holding that he was a teacher come to enlighten men; and Abimar insisting, he was but a common man. MIRDAD: Look not askance upon Naronda, Abimar; for he is blameless of your blame. Abimar: Who told you, then? Can you read men’s minds too? MIRDAD: Mirdad needs nor spies nor interpreters. Did you but love Mirdad as he loves you, you could with ease read in his mind and see into his heart as well. Abimar: forgive a blind and a deaf man, Master. Open my eye and ear, for I am eager to see and to hear. MIRDAD: Love is the only wonder-worker. If you would see let love be in the pupil of the eye. If you would hear, let love be in the drum of the ear. Abimar: But I hate no man, not even Naronda . MIRDAD: Not-hating is not loving, Abimar . for Love is an active force; and save it guide your every move and step, you cannot find you way; and save it fill your every wish and thought , your wishes shall be nettles in your dreams; your thoughts shall be as dirges for your days. Now is my heart a harp , and I am moved to song. Where is your harp, good Zamora. Zamora: Shall I go and fetch it , Master? MIRDAD: Go, Zamora.  Naronda: Zamora instantly arose and went for the harp. The rest looked at each other in utter bewilderment and held their peace. When Zamora returned with the harp and Master gently took it from his hand, and bending over it in tenderness, carefully adjusted every string and then began to play and sing. MIRDAD: God is your captain, sail, my Ark! Though Hell unleash her furies red Upon the living and the dead, And turn the earth to molten lead, And sweep the skies of every mark, God is your captain, sail, my Ark! Love is your compass, ply, my ark! Go north and south, go east and west And share with all your treasure chest. The storm shall bear you on its crest A light for sailors in the dark. Love is your compass, ply, my Ark! Faith is your anchor, ride, my Ark! Should thunder roar, and lightning dart, And mountains shake and fall apart, And man become so faint of heart As to forget the holy spark, Faith is your anchor, ride, my ark! Naronda: The Master ceased and bent over the harp as bends a mother, love-entranced, over an infant at her breast. And though its strings no longer quivered, the harp continued to ring on ,’God is your captain, sail, my Ark!’ and though the Master’s lips were shut, his voice reverberated for a space thoughout the aerie and floated out in waves unto the rugged peaks about; unto the hills and vales below; unto the restless sea in the distance; unto the vaulted blue overhead. There were star showers and rainbows in that voice. There were quakes and gales along with soughing winds and song-intoxicated nightingales. There were heaving seas empalled with soft, dew-laden mist. And it seemed as if the whole of creation were listening thereto in thankful gladness. And it further seemed as if the Milky mountains range, with Altar Peak in the centre, had suddenly become detached from the Earth and were afloat in space, majestic, powerful and certain of its course. For three days thereafter, the Master spoke no word to any man.

We can write thousand pages book on Love yet love is a feeling to experience every part of the cosmos. God is ocean of Love and individual soul is the drop of that ocean if you read Kabir's book its name itself is Anuraagsagar meaning ocean of love God is the ocean of Love and we are drops of that ocean. Love flows from the simplicity of the heart and height of cultivation is simplicity Vajramukti my way of life is from that simplicity of heart from action to liberation please read and help all to grow in love to know thyself .

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