an Indian Martial Art, The Art of Surviving as a mutual aid in global love, A
Way towards knowing thyself
Introduction to Indian Martial Art
Sources are from the books by Dr Chandra shekhar bhatt
Vajramukti chandrashekhar’s art of
Indian gung fu ISBN 81-7525-010-0
Yoga the gift from sanatana to
mankind ISBN 81-901041-0-1
Vajramukti Tao of holistic healing
for ageless body
Vajramuktiyoga from action to liberation by Dr chandra
shekhar further reading
VAJRAMUKTI Tao of Holistic healing for Ageless body Timeless Mind: Tao of holistic healing for...
VAJRAMUKTI Tao of Holistic healing for Ageless body Timeless Mind: Tao of holistic healing for...
Accepting all ways as the way as Hindus has accepted all religions even the one not accepted by western world the Parsis were accepted in this land of Hindus. Different martial arts are like different religions goal of all is same to go inside, once you start travelling inside there is no religion no path no way… when individuality is dissolved where are the tools to operate we also don’t know how to give awareness of that to all
I saw a boy of eleven years attacked by some seven or eight people his bag of tomato was thrown he had no knowledge of martial art he just moved with whoever was nearby touching the empty space he found and went on with all and got away collecting his left over tomatoes. If you can move within the space by just observing you have made your martial art. But it’s not possible with all if we are depressed due to various reasons may be we won’t be able to defend all the time the only way is to train by inculcating your experiences and making your own system.
But if you cannot due to past imprints on your consciousness to what Hindus believe as karmas then you can go to some systems or learn from the event you pass through and make your own awareness system suiting you the best. As master Lee said if you understand the principals of different arts and if you learn to flow with the movements you have made the system for your body mind quantum, same as master lee worked on in the name of man who was once fluid.
Yoga the way of life given by the people who went inside and thought of helping people because in essence we are all spark of that same light. Hindu kings send their love sometime as accepting Buddhism and sending monks around the world to spread love they accepted Jews and others from world as their own extensions. Martial arts spreading were just the byproduct there were many arts remained silently flowing in its own accordance. If you don’t like yoga as a Hindu word you can learn from the western people who learned yoga extensively and came out adding their awareness to it as Ida Rolfs system or her many students developing the branches in many forms, and if you find short of economic needs come in India there are still people who teach free, out of love but learn to relax and then be in your way until you feel need to know thyself.
History of Indian martial art is beyond time framework there are
masters living in Himalayas who can attack you and change your thought process
from thousands miles, but they don’t because you are undivided part of the
whole and you have your own free will . Once a
professor of Harvard University asked Swami Vivekanandaji, whether he knew
about anyone who has studied Self-hypnosis?
Swamiji said in western countries whatever they call as hypnotism, it is just
the part of the actual text which Rishis called as—— atmapasammohan
(dehypnotisation) they say, you are already hypnotized, you have to
vacho nivartante aprapt manasa sah
Anandam bramano vidvan na bibhate kadachan
Anandam bramano vidvan na bibhate kadachan
With mind the speech, without knowing that, comes
By knowing that one, the fear remains not this is
Swami ji was not in favor of treating people by
hypnotism. He said that every individual has power of Braham. By someone else
controlling it, there are very much chances of you losing your own will power.
are master livings of age more than two thousand years. Hindu kings Ashoka
abandon martial arts because his being was touched so deeply by the adverse
effects the war gives. Chinese have come to the land of Hindus at the time of
Moriya dynasty, when Nalanda was the center of education in its natural sense
and essence. Flowing in accordance with nature all subjects were unfolded in
its natural way, understanding everything as spark of light from which all came
into existence.The science of Yoga is the base of Indian martial art which goes subtly and naturally beyond modern psycho-physiology for example while I was teaching yoga I came across a female with psychosomatic problem it took three years for her to become normal so as she don’t know if she was facing such problem. In psycho systems they treat patients to eliminate emotions by relieving past experiences same is achieved by practicing one moola bandha of yogic sciences but it takes time to affect the centers at brain.
All ranks, all rules, all pre-orchestrated movement, all limitations are respected by us and carried forward as development of mind body relationship ,except for the limitation of mind and body is the way of moving from "Law of Nature" to beyond the juxtaposition of mind and body or mind and matter through meditation. Indian martial Art is a system of real education working as a bud transforms into flower no force required it’s the relaxed way of Yoga. Meditation on third eye is the way wherein you can break the knot of mind and matter. Agastya muni had coded down these in the form of sutras for good people to read and practice through meditation but very few people can excel in that like Prakasan from south part of India could do that he could attack without contact within 10 feets and the person will be knocked down , Indian Martial Art is a system beyond normal understanding because of its vast history wherever Hindu kings ruled around the world they never exploited the humanity inspite of such high knowledge on martial arts the king like Ashoka renounced weapons it was due to love for humanity understanding the higher purpose of being in the human birth. By reading the book by a yogi who left his body voluntarily at united states at a last speech uttering that where Ganges flow men leave their houses in search of god lo.. my soul have touched that sod and he left the body can you imagine, have you ever noticed such happening. His book is named Autobiography of a yogi….. Let me tell you about the interest on yoga in Russia, justice V. R Krishna Iyer former judge of Supreme Court of India, at the time of visiting a town near Leningrad. He asked a group of professors there whether they had thought about what happens when man dies. After a few minutes discussion, one of the professors quietly went inside and came out with the book “Autobiography of a yogi.”
He was surprised. In a country ruled by the
materialistic philosophy of Marx and Lenin, here is an official of a government
institute showing him Paramhansa ji’s book “Please realize that the spirit of
India is not alien to us”, said professor “We accept the authenticity of
everything recorded in this book, and we are trying to understand the state of
super conscious this soul must have possessed while here in the body. Our
research is focused on that.
V. R. Krishna Iyer wished there were scientific
institutes in India that would have the courage openly to say, “We are doing
research into the super consciousness of the paramhansa. But we do not yet have
the courage.
education in human biomechanics and the study
of human behavior under extreme situations is like being aware of how bud
transforms into flower you cannot forcibly do it, it should be in accordance
with the harmony of nature Students should be guided to introspect their vision
to explore their full human potential by learning the art of relaxation by
various aspects of yoga. The learning without competition adding the quality of feeling and ease, as
equality and enjoyment of stillness in action are derived from a Sanskrit sloka
“sthir sukham asanam” study pleasurable is the pose and the second part is “pyatam
sathilyam anant smapatibhyam” meaning where effort ceases to exist or the state
of effortless effort then you are in the way towards infinite. Movement should
be natural tension free in a deep relaxed state. Exertion had to kept bare minimum
because in yoga there no exertion it’s not exercise, and acquirement of skill
is based on the study of Indian Yogic philosophy, Slowly naturally developing
into laws of interdisciplinary kinesiology, biomechanics, and psycho-physiology
with easy yogic practices avoiding exertion understanding the philosophy
because it’s not callisthenic.In Indian Martial Art, the main goal of a person is to avoid conflict by word of mouth or diffuse it by using nonviolent methods, avoid such places and situations at extreme situations just …….. Render the adversary harmless while minimizing losses for both self and foe. Students learn to be aware of self defense self understanding self exploration and be in the path of self realization work efficiently in any situation that requires defense, prevention of aggression, or conflict resolution. This is how the Indian Martial Artist takes an individual from action to liberation it’s not to become fighters but to understand our tools to use at the right moment in self defense self understanding and self exploration.
Characteristics of Indian Martial Art
Indian thought believes that god resides in every particle I have interacted with Dr Ram Bhosle a martial artist healer and the freedom fighter. He wanted to make a sitar an instrument to play music generally it has sixteen to seventeen stubs or gattas in between but he wanted to make thirty two, so he went to a tree and bowed prayed to tree. Which was situated at the river bank, the flow of continuous water was there underneath the tree. He requested to the tree that he wanted his wood for good reasons and then he made instrument out of that. Sir Jajdish Chandra basu worked to break the barrier between animate and inanimate by making his instrument kriskograph and proved that every particle has life we can understand Indian martial art by understanding the Indian healing or medicinal approach towards loving beings, the three approaches, Ayurvedic allopathic and homeopathic. The allopathic approach combats the symptom; the homeopathic approach amplifies and utilizes the symptom in the therapeutic process Ayurvedic goes to the root of the conflict because the rishis have understood that the five elements earth is enemy of water, water is enemy of fire, fire is enemy of air and space eats all. So they conclude three as the savior of the body mind quantum as in conjunction and they are wind bile and mucus. If these three are in harmony your system will be finely tuned. The yogic postures practiced have effects in whole endocrinal system to its brain centers if suppose someone is habitual bribe taker it’s because some of his gland isn’t working proper off course it has its past imprints in his consciousness due to the actions performed by him. Around the globe you can see the vast use of yoga and its relaxation methodology by some way or other, if you cannot do a normal exercise of stomach in an western exertion way you can practice same in a breakup yogic way all are using it except some like great grand master Bruce Lee may accept it and recommend Indian philosopher Jkrishnamurti for mental cultivation others start with their own names and country but Hindus are liberal to give out of love for humanity and by the way at death not a farthing can be carried away. What matters are your actions performed because they are carried away as imprints in your being. The Ayurvedic approach is seen in very few forms of martial art, for it orients not on conquering and controlling adversary, not on non-resistance and amplification but on going to the source of human nature’s karmic juxtaposition as to why certain individual is like that because from one light all have evolved so who is bad or good under the roof of that one lord all are same.
In the entire globe land of Hindus is the only
place where non violence had been practiced from thousands of years in the
recent era Gandhi is the supreme example to conclude. Vajramukti is a non
violent art uses body and its processes as means towards an end to know thyself
and holistic healing. I am trying to describe or put my awareness of
nonviolence, by quoting dialogue between Yulteshwar giri and Paramhansa
Yogananda author of Autobiography of a Yogi.
ji was interpreting the ancient texts.Yoganandaji was also sitting there. A
mosquito sat upon his thigh and was distracting his attention.Yogananda raised
his hand, but at the same time he remembered Patanjalis sutra of nonviolence
“Why didn’t
you finish the job?” said Yukteshwarji
! Do you advocate taking life?” replied
“No, but in
your mind you had already struck the death blow.
“I don’t
“By ahimsa
Patanjali meant removal of the desire to kill”
This world
is conveniently arranged for a literal practice of ahimsa. Man may be compelled
to exterminate harmful creatures, he is not under a similar compulsion to feel
anger or animosity.
Patanjali yoga sutra 11…35 says.
“In the
presence of a man perfected in ahimsa {nonviolence}
Enmity does
not arise.”
This is the
state true martial artist should strive to be in it’s the inner state of
developed mind
evaluation as human we should go away from war for higher evolution