Friday, 29 April 2016

              WELCOME TO 1ST DAY OF  30 DAYS REAL YOGA PROG BY Dr Chandra shekhar bhatt
Welcome! Thank you for being in consciousness of real yoga for the 30 Days! THIS VIDEO IS MADE AT THE FOOTHILLS OF HIMALAYAS WITH NATURAL SURROUNDINGS SO PLEASE EXCUSE ME FOR BACKGROUND SOUNDS  It includes philosophy of yoga as it is and teaches it as it is and can be practiced by anyone young ones age old people or a diseased one to help all from where or whatever state they are of their material  journey! Now we begin with this video!  DAY 1 of REAL YOGA. 

As we understand that there is a need of new renewed awareness for yoga into the New global era I feel great about the idea of practicing for 30 days straight with simplicity and naturality. You must develop feeling of calmness as you grow with me by cell recharging movements and philosophy of controlling mind and putting it in one direction which will make you aware about going beyond the word challenge and understanding the path in an artistic relaxed way of body and mind. Once a businessman was facing the problem of breathlessness he went to united kingdom united states to advanced medical doctors but his problem still remained. I happen to workout with these simple postures with him and his problem was gone with few sessions so  grow in your conflict with mind…. towards real yoga connecting to yourself and learning something new. We should be thankful to lord that we are aware of our body in space and time, that we can breathe and love all beings around the globe equally with calm inner smile in our beings.

The hardest part would be that I don’t recommend mats be natural start from your circumstances and thank lord for what you have and rest will come unto you. Stay aware to learn and make your own ways for your body. This 30 Day practice is intended to help you be aware of your body I don’t expect everyone to be dancer or gymnast people from various places have their own set ups due to which they hardly gets time to practice. So, believe me it’s not challenging its relaxing to make time for your practice – just be aware in yogic way of steady pleasurable pose “sthir sukham asanam” .

Forget about mat be natural start from where you  

let the breath go in naturally as it goes and come out as it comes out let stretching happen and body and mind adapts with that new awareness please don’t force. Each day  SHOULD GO as a way of being aware of how your body is ,which parts are working which way, connecting to your mind, leading your body away from dis- easing.

Let’s increase our awareness! From finite we move to infinite.. Feel your body as small cosmos.
These videos are based on the books written by Dr Chandra shekhar bhatt  titled Vajramukti Chandra shekhar’s art of Indian gung fu  ISBN 81-7525-010-0  ,Yoga the gift from sanatana to mankind 81-901041-0-1

Vajramuktiyoga from action to liberation by Dr chandra shekhar bhatt further reading
VAJRAMUKTI Tao of Holistic healing for Ageless body Timeless Mind: Tao of holistic healing for...
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FOR REDUCING TUMMY BY Dr chandra shekhar bhatt
video will be live at:
This video is mainly for reducing tummy or excessive fats from the body the method which I have shown is the combination of yogic philosophy and exertion I made it for Vajramukti students
Pleases see my other videos as 30 days program  I have tried to explain in terms of yogic philosophy as it is  it is important to understand the concept and philosophy otherwise its and another exercise

PET KAM KARNE KE LIYE BY Dr chandra shekhar bhatt
  video will be live at:

BHAGVADGITA 18th chpt THE MARTIAL ARTS LEGEND Dr chandra shekhar bhatt

By ears, eyes, touch, also tongue, smelling powers this soul being situated in mind enjoys sense objects
To open up the word consistent someone who is consistent always behaves in the same way, has the same attitude towards people or things. This is in retrospect to the feedback someone gave me stating I m not consistent when I first wrote work on Vajramukti one female said chandrashekhar is not consistent reason I wrote sometimes in my book pawanmuktasana and other times windfree pose and some other time forward bending pose she was quite perturbed by that because she wasn’t aware of the essence and that was my aim to make people free aware so that they can remove their conditionings and flow freely lively with their unique individuality

Express news service Mumbai BY Indian Express prestigious
Indian news paper
Law of attraction removing enshrouding from consciousness by Dr Chandra shekhar bhatt

More elaboration of law of attraction or reaping nd sowing or law of karma
I said in last video there is practical way of being aware of the thoughts affecting and attracting anything you like or want
I had given my videos on real yoga or Vajramukti yoga the philosophy and practicality
And the long and short clips on Bhagvad gita or metaphysical art of war as per my experiences on law of success
Last video secret why doesn’t work even after many workshop and seminars  cauz of past imprints and how to remove those
We must come to the practicality of these talks as in my videos in Vajramukti yoga and methods and meditation and deeper understanding with videos on metaphysical art of war please be benefited even if you don’t like or subscribe
for upcoming
video on removing enshrouding s visit

What’s Money how & why’s of earning by Dr chandra shekhar bhatt

video will be live at:
why secret don’t work in English
why secret don’t work in hindi
What’s Money how & why’s of earning by Dr chandra shekhar bhatt
video will be live at:
PAISA KYA HAI KYU AUR KAISE KAMANA by Dr chandra shekhar bhatt
video will be live at: