Eyal and the Unusual Day
This book is
a combined writing adventure. The eight authors that have each contributed to
the story had no prior knowledge of what the next section would be like. The
twists and turns from each author somehow wove a tale of enchantment and
wonder. We had no idea how this book would start or end, but knew the goodness
on each page would evolve, and bring a smile to a child's face. The proceeds of
any royalties from the book are all to be donated to a children's ward in the
Baruch Padeh Hospital, Israel. None of the authors received any financial
compensation for their efforts, however all have been enrichened by the
undertaking. All of us hope you and the children that hear or read this story
will enjoy it as we have. Thank you. We dedicate this book to all the children
that need renewed strength and health. It is to help mankind at this hour of
crisis where whole world is in trouble peace to all mankind