Saturday 25 April 2015


ENHANCING BODY BEAUTY FOR BUSY FEMALE BY Dr chandra shekhar bhatt Excerpt taken from the book by Dr Chandra shekhar bhatt ISBN81-901041-0-1 This is very important for females, it will make their breasts firm, remove extra fats from the buttocks, will make their legs shapely as in other exercises they may develop their calf muscles as men’s, this will not happen while practicing surya namaskaras, salutations to sun flexibility and strength both will be achieved. It removes acne and clears the complexion by adding kaki mudra to it because the impurities and toxins are thrown away from the body, the body of old king of Aundh at the age of 110 was like a youth, by regular performing of suryanamaskars. In today’s modern, fast life, we don’t have time for deep breathing exercise, generally, our mind is engaged in some thought, consequently the breathing becomes short, for females the situation is even worst, due to the better psychological conditioning done by media, they are attracted towards faster exercising clubs they join fast and leave fast and if continued mental stress develops. Surya namaskaras is such ancient yogic movement, which enables you to breathe and it powerfully influences your endocrinal system which controls the body functioning and makes it better. It comprises of10 steps, includes inhalation and exhalation alternately and rhythmically with the postures. 1 Stand erect feet together, raise the hands above the stretching and arching the back backwards, inhale. 2 Bend forward from the waist line, moving the head with the hand; if possible try to touch the palms to the floor exhale. 3 Keep the hands rooted to the ground and the right foot with knee bend, move the left foot back, look upwards arching the back inhale. 4 Take both the legs behind as in posture; hold the breath for few seconds. 5 Touch the knees, palms, chest and forehead to the ground and exhale. 6 Leave the lower body on the floor, lift the upper body pull backward supported by palms, hands straight on elbows, inhale. 7 Raise your buttocks from the ground; pull your upper body behind heels touching to the ground exhale. 8 Bring the left foot in between the palms, with knee bend as position no 3 except left foot instead of right and exhale. 9 Bring both the legs together as in position no 2 exhale. 10 Stand erect, both palms together thumb touching the sternum slowly inhale and relax. Copyrights all rights are reserved by the author and performer Dr Chandra shekhar bhatt fur further reading Vajramuktiyoga from action to liberation by Dr chandra shekhar bhatt further reading VAJRAMUKTI Tao of Holistic healing for Ageless body Timeless Mind: Tao of holistic healing for... VAJRAMUKTI TAO OF HOLISTIC HEALING THROUGH ALERNATIVE MEDICINE QUANTUM OF YOGA MEDITATION AND MARTIAL ARTS IN... video will be live at:

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