Tuesday 18 August 2015

Vajramukti in the process of flowing by Dr Chandra shekhar bhatt
I came out with a new avenue called Vajramukti that was my first book released at Mumbai. It was very nicely read and understood by shaolin society of United kingdom and they had put it in their site which was really good study on Vajramukti so I am giving those words here.

Generalizing Yoga to Asana alone is just as shallow as generalizing all martial arts to breaking boards alone. However this generalization persists in the West for the same reason breaking boards persists- it is spectacular media image of these ancient arts. This misconception muddles the creation myths of our own beloved martial arts. According to popular legend, Boddhidharma brought the direct lineage of Buddhism to China from India in 526 BCE. He arrived at Shaolin Temple in Honan, and founded Shaolin Kung Fu and Zen Buddhism (known as Chan in Chinese). This is the most common creation myth in martial arts, since Shaolin Kung Fu is also the root of main Japanese and Korean styles. Only three forms comprised Bodhidharma's Shaolin Kung Fu muscle tendon change (Yijinging), bone marrow washing (Xisuijing) and the 18 Arhats palm (Luohanshibazhang), only the third form was martial the first two were Qigong forms. Since Bodhidharma was Indian, many sources postulate that he based his Shaolin Kung Fu upon Yoga. The postures of Yoga Asana do bear a striking resemblance to postures’ of Qigong, so much so, that one cannot help but wonder. Was there a connection between Yoga and KungFu? The answer is very confusing. As previously mentioned Yoga Asana, is only one aspect of Yoga. Many martial scholars make common mistake of inferring Bodhidharma's teachings were based on Yoga because Yoga Asana resembles Qigong. This is a little misleading. Some Yoga scholars do not believe that many Asana (at least those postures that resemble Qigong) were even around at the time of Bodhidharma. The only Asana that can be confirmed archeologically is padmasana, or 'seated lotus' position. This pose is fundamental in many meditation practices. Indeed, Bodhidharma was most famous for his practice of sitting meditation. According to legend he sat meditating on a rock for nine years. Sitting meditation is the cornerstone of his innovation of Buddhism, Zen. In fact, he invented Shaolin Kung Fu because he felt that the monks of Shaolin who were too weak to endure the hardship of prolonged meditation, So if lotus was the only asana of Bodhidharma's time and if he did incorporate it into his new Kung Fu practice, it might be said that Shaolin Kung Fu was based on Yoga Asana. This is still based on a lot of assumptions, but at least the terminology is more accurate. ………. As a matter of fact, there is ALREADY AN EASTERN FUSION OF YOGA TO MARTIAL ARTS THAT COMPLETELY OMITS BODHIDHARMA. THE MODERN INDIAN MASTER CHANDRA SHEKHAR BHATT IS AN EXPONENT OF A HYBRID OF MARTIAL ARTS AND YOGA KNOWN AS V A J R A M U K T I HE HAS HAD ENOUGH OF A FOLLOWING TO PUBLISH BOOKS, BUT YOU WOULD HAVE TO GO ALL THE WAY TO BOMBAY TO TRAIN WITH HIM.  www.ulslab.blogspot.com
These videos are based on the books written by Dr Chandra shekhar bhatt  titled Vajramukti Chandra shekhar’s art of Indian gung fu  ISBN 81-7525-010-0  ,Yoga the gift from sanatana to mankind 81-901041-0-1
Vajramuktiyoga from action to liberation by Dr chandra shekhar bhatt www.ulslab.blogspot.com further reading http://www.amazon.com/VAJRAMUKTI-Holistic-healing-Ageless-Timeless/dp/3659187453/ref=pd_rhf_ee_p_t_1
VAJRAMUKTI Tao of Holistic healing for Ageless body Timeless Mind: Tao of holistic healing for...
Copyrights all rights are reserved by the author and performer Dr Chandra shekhar bhatt
video will be live at:http://youtu.be/kuTY5TV1M1k
message  To open up the word consistent & remove the conditionings

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